With the rise of “multi-media” computers, speakers have become an increasingly important and expensive part of the computer systems we all use. Although millions of people now protect their color monitors with Screen Savers, few people are aware of the DANGER to their computer’s internal and external speakers from the effects of AUDIO BURN IN or (ABI).
It is estimated that over the life of a computer, ABI CAN REDUCE A SPEAKERS’ FREQUENCY BY AS MUCH AS AN EIGHTH OF AN OHM, making those great, crisp sounds in all your games sound imperceptively different. Worse, the effects of ABI on the resonator cones of your speakers are IRREVERSIBLE! and while these effects are not audible to the human ear, they can definitely be detected using the “reading-in” method of random data analysis.
BANSHEE™ is an “all-in-one” solution application for the ABI that afflicts millions of personal computers worldwide. BANSHEE™ is guaranteed to minimize existing damage and protect against further damage to your speaker system.
BANSHEE‚Ñ¢ should be run as often as possible and, for optimal results, your volume settings should always be set AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE. When used correctly, BANSHEE‚Ñ¢ will ensure virtually no ABI degradation from inactive speakers!